Write for us (Submit a guest post)

write for us

If you have an expertise and want to write for us, Timeshub UK gives you an opportunity to submit a guest post on the topic of your choice. Become an author now and start publishing your articles in no time.

However, there are certain terms and conditions to be followed before you write for us on any topic. Before discussing those, let’s quickly have a look at the categories in which we accept guest post submissions.

Guest post submission categories to write for us:

Write for us – Fashion

write for us fashion

We accept Fashion related guest posts on our website. So, if you are a fashion designer looking to showcase your fashion case studies or simply publish a guest post, feel free to write for us in Fashion niche.

Google Search code – Write for us + Fashion (Timeshub)

Write for us – Business

write for us business

Submit a business related guest post to help our readers gather the latest insights into what’s latest in the business industry in the UK or globally. Write for us by submitting your business article now and showcase your expertise.

Google Search code – Write for us + Business (Timeshub)

Write for us – Health

write for us health

To submit guest posts under the “Health Category”, you must be an expert in the medical field or work for a reputed medical firm.

Google Search code – Write for us + Health (Timeshub)

Write for us – Real Estate

write for us real estate

To submit real estate guest posts, we suggest you own some expertise with Properties – be it rental or sale in either – residential or commercial projects.

Google Search code – Write for us + Real Estate (Timeshub)

Write for us – Technology

write for us technology

Are you a tech freak? How about writing for us in technology and share your expertise with our tech savvy readers? Submit a technology guest post and write for us in technology category now.

Google Search code – Write for us + Technology (Timeshub)

Write for us – Fitness

write for us fitness

All the fitness freaks are welcome to write for us and share your fitness journeys with our readers. Be it your daily workout routines, to the diet you take to keep you in shape, our readers love it all.

Google Search code – Write for us + Fitness (Timeshub)

Write for us – Home Decor

write for us home decor

Have a knack for interior decoration or decor in general? Showcase your work in the form of a beautifully crafted home decor guest post.

Google Search code – Write for us + Home Decor (Timeshub)

Write for us – Lifestyle

write for us lifestyle

Write about everything you know to improve our readers’ lifestyle. Share your travel experiences, your daily living costs, and what not. Write for us in lifestyle category today.

Google Search code – Write for us + Lifestyle (Timeshub)

Write for us – Pets

Love animals and writing about them? We would love to welcome you as our guest blogger. Start writing for us in the pets niche and we will be happy to publish your guest post.

Other Primary Categories where you can submit a guest post with us

Write for us + Travel

Write for us + Real Estate

Write for us + Finance

Write for us + Beauty

Write for us + Home Improvement

Write for us + Home renovation

Write for us + Home remodeling

Write for us + SaaS

Write for us + Sports

Write for us + Education

Write for us + Gaming

Editorial Guidelines to write for us

While we appreciate your reaching out to submit your guest post, there is a certain criteria that you need to follow before we publish your article to Timeshub.

  1. Be unique and informative. Don’t just write for us for the sake of getting your article published, but become useful for readers in your niche by writing in a unique and engaging style.
  2. We absolutely disregard articles with plagiarism or low in quality. Be original while writing for us and we’ll be happy to consider your post.
  3. Make sure you follow Google search essentials guidelines to optimise your content and make it user-friendly and spam free.
  4. Minimum word count should be 600 words. While we don’t intend to keep a word limit on the articles, but we believe the more in-depth it is, the better it is for our readers.
  5. If you intend to promote a website within an article in the form of an ad or a link, the article would come under our sponsored category which would be chargeable.
  6. Your article must contain at least one relevant featured image for our readers.
  7. We do accept AI generated articles but it should be optimised for our readers with a clear intent of being highly informative.
  8. Feel free to add any relevant images within the articles wherever you can.
  9. Make use of proper headings and be sure of formatting the articles properly.
  10. Write for us categories allowed are: Lifestyle, Health, Business, Real Estate, Technology, Sports, Home Decor and renovation, Fitness, Gaming, Finance and Beauty. Make sure you include the category name in your article while submitting your guest posts.

In order to submit a guest post and write for us, you need to send a draft to our official email ID – timeshubuk@gmail.com and we will get back to you instantly.

Alternatively, use our contact form below to submit a guest post.